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There is Contact information at the bottom of this page!
My name is Victor Tomylin, here you can learn about me as an author of a crypto-blog (this and several other blogs are ours, my son and I created and promote them). I have been publishing articles on the topic of cryptocurrencies since 2016. I have a higher technical pedagogical education, I like crypto topics, and I try to give you information in an understandable form.
Viktor Tomylin

We created this blog with our son Vitaly, who is also an author and co-owner here.
It is a part of the crypto-portal kriptovalyuta.com, where there is also a website, forum, social pages, groups and chats. There are thousands of articles here, several hundred of my publications on different topics. That is, we understand crypto topics and we know what we are writing about.
I hope to see you and your posts on our resources. I will also be glad to receive your comments. You can ask me questions here:
- Telegram advertising: @viktortomilinylin
- Other questions – admin@kriptovalyuta.com
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